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+212 6 75 58 54 07
+212 8 80 66 51 30

Our cottages

Dar Guitounes

Nb. of persons : 2

from : 30€ (300 dhs) - 189€ /sem* (1890 dhs) = -10%*- Bas.Saison (+12 € Pers. suppl.)

  • capacité2
  • lit double1
  • lit simple1
  • WC
  • WC
  • Exceptional panoramic view on the sea - Contemplate the sunset

    • 3 beds
    • refrigerator
    • table + chairs)
    • toilets nearby

    Room from 2  persons - 30 € / day (300 dhs / day) 2 pax - 12 € Additional pers

    Request for information or reservation

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